
Yulinchi is a Japanese version of Chinese fried chicken where the chicken is marinated and then topped with a sweet and sour sauce

Mayumioneworld's Yulinchi dish, which is a Japanese version of Chinese fried chicken, marinated with Soy, ginger, vinegar, and sake, then topped with a sauce of soy, vinegar, mirin, sugar, vinegar, and garlic, topped with green onions.


  • Chicken thighs, sliced thin

  • Corn starch or potato starch for frying

  • Neutral frying oil

    Marinate sauce

  • 1 Tbsp sushi vinegar

  • 2" knob of ginger, grated

  • 2 Tbsp Sake

  • 1 Tbsp soy sauce

    Topping sauce

  • 2 Tbsp soy sauce

  • 1 ½ Tbsp sushi vinegar

  • ½ Tbsp mirin

  • ½ Tbsp Japanese sugar

  • Grated ginger

  • Grated garlic

  • Green onion for garnish



  1. Slice the chicken thighs into thin, bitesized pieces. Combine marinade ingredients, pour over chicken, and let marinate at least 15 minutes up to a few hours in the fridge.

  2. Combine topping sauce ingredients and set aside. Preheat oil in a pan for frying.

  3. After the chicken is finished marinating, toss in corn or potato starch to coat.

  4. Fry chicken in batches until crispy and cooked through. Top with sauce and serve

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