Momma’s Bacon Jam
I mean come on. Two words Bacon. Jam. What more needs to be said!
Momma’s Bacon Jam
7 slices of bacon
Half white onions
1/2 oz. Apple cider vinaigrette.
4 Tbs. brown sugar.
Tbs. Butter.
Chop the bacon,
cook the bacon on the pan medium heat.
Chop the white onion.
When the bacon is ready take out of the pan,
the secret is caramelice onions in the same pan you cook the bacon. Use the same bacon fat sautéed the onions, when the onions change the color turn to some color (clear). The onions are ready
add the bacon ( only the bacon no the oil cause much grease our jam ).
Add the brown sugar, the apple cider vinaigrette move every time for 7 minutes,
add the butter move for 2 minutes more,
when is ready the texture have to be a glaze or jam