Granny’s Fried Apples
@JustLikeGranny wraps up day 5 with another winter sweet finish with her Granny’s Fried Apples.
Granny’s Fried Apples
4 Apples, Peeled, Cored, & Sliced
2 TBSPS Butter
1/2 C. White Granular Sugar
1/2 TSP Cinnamon
Dash of Nutmeg
1. Prepare your apples and set to the side. In a skillet add butter and melt down. Layer the apples on top of the melted butter and equally sprinkle the sugar on top of every apple.
2. Carefully fold in the butter and sugar into the apples, coating each one.
3. Cook the apples about 20 minutes on a medium heat until most of the liquid has gone and they have started to fry.
4. Let all apples become fried and semi soggy like and add in the cinnamon and nutmeg.
5. When done scoop out and over to your biscuits, pancakes, or serve with vanilla ice cream.
#countrycookin #comfortfood #southernrecipes #friedapples #dessert