It’s Spooky Dish Week!
Stay tuned as our FoodtokTV creators go live next week sharing scary, spooky treats from savory to sweets. Each day one of us will share some of our favorite Halloween themed sweets and savory dishes. We will also plan to share some of the recipes here on our blog as well as uploading the lives to our Youtube channel.
Spooky Series Lives for FoodtokTV
Monday: AshBeCookin goes live on Mondays at 5:00pm PST
Tuesday: GlutenfreeMommaann takes on Tuesday at Noon EST
Wednesday: Sherry_Skinner has us covered at 12:00pm CST on Wednesdays
Dont forget we also have Cooking Club 7:00 CST (Foodtoktv Members only, click here for details)
Thursday: GuaduaCook rolls on Thursday - times vary
Fridays: SketchyChef takes over our Friday Lives at 4:00pm CST
Saturday: JustLikeGranny comes to us live from Sweden ever Saturday; Times vary
Sunday: Creators Cooking_with_Caz or OctoberDragonFly take turns hosting this standing live; 8:00 pm CST